Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Unburden Yourself & Participate In YOUR Life!!

Many of the "little" things that cause you continuing frustration can be greatly reduced or eliminated. It's simply a matter of taking the time and making the effort to do so. The small frustrations are usually the easiest to get rid of, because they are small, though, you may not have made it a priority to deal with them.

Remember....that the small frustrations add up quickly!!
When combined together, they can impose a major burden on your time and your life.

So make the choice to unburden yourself from them, one by one. Devote some time to ridding yourself of many of those little frustrations that can add together to drag you down!!

At first glance, it may seem like a waste to spend an hour or two dealing with something that normally sets you back only a few minutes each day. Yet if you can save yourself those few minutes, day after day, month after month, it can add up to an enormous amount of time. And by freeing yourself from more and more small frustrations, you free your mind and your spirit to focus on the positive, meaningful things. Find ways to unburden yourself from the little frustrations, and you'll find opportunities to add greatly to the richness of your life.

It's always easier and more pleasant to sit back and watch the world. But it's even better to jump in and participate. There is so much you have to offer. There are so many beautiful gifts you have to give.

Weave the thread of your own special perspective into the fabric of life. Become an active part of YOUR world and everyone will be richer for it.

So....Get up, Get Out, Get Going and Get Involved!!

Every day, in all sorts of ways, there are opportunities to make a difference in your own unique way. Put real meaning into life by participating fully in it. Put real value into your world by giving of the value that is within YOU!!

Don't just sit there and watch life happen. Make yourself a vital and positive part of it, and you will make YOUR life great!!


Michele Williams said...

I love this post, especially the last quote. Don't just sit there! So true! We must be participants in life... not by-standers. God bless you.

Unknown said...

Thank you Michele. After everything I witnessed with my grand-daughter these past few days, I am feeling that life is a precious gift that everyone should participate in!!

~Many Blessings~
Coach Marla

Coach said...

Great ideas! It's true...it's the build up of little things that can often get us down before we realize it. Being aware of it is a a winning strategy!