Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Nurse anesthetists dispute Senate bill

1 comment:

Cynde L. Hammond said...

I pray to God that this bill does not pass. This is just one more attack on the healthcare of those that are least able to defend themselves and I am so sick of it!

Once Obamacare goes through, we'll all have even more battles to contend with. I can't believe they are going to shove that down our throats, even though they know that most Americans do not even want Obamacare!

A recent CNN poll shows that most Americans are satisfied with their own healthcare, but agree that we need to fine-tune it and bring down the costs. We still have the best healthcare system in the world, and if we let the government take over (and we all know how they screw things up!) it will be a mess!

Thanks for keeping us informed, Coach Marla.

Cynde's Got The Write Stuff