Thursday, November 3, 2011


Join us on today's show live at 1pm CST, or listen to the recorded version of it at:

Our guest today is:

Joy once believed her route to making a difference in society was to become a lawyer and was successful in many different fields of the law.

After a while she grew tired of the politics of law and pursued work in the area of education. As Joy was tutoring children in schools she noticed that many children were undernourished and could not concentrate on their studies. She went back to school pursuing a Masters Degree in Holistic Nutrition as well as one-on-one mentoring by Dr. Lawrence Wilson, considered one of the foremost suthorities on nutrition and on the science on mineral balancing.

When Joy became sick with an autoimmune disease that left her virtually crippled from the neck down, she had a 2 year old that she could not care for, and realized then that she didn't want to spend her life being ill. A few months of individualized nutritional balancing program, all her blood work normalized, and her vitality and health gradually became restored. She had tried many types of nutritional programs prior to this, but only nutritional balancing made a difference in her health.

Today Joy is an Integrative Holistic Health Nutritional Consultant and Health Coach.

Learn More: Joy Feldman

1 comment:

Coach A. said...

...they say you are what you eat! Thanks for sharing, Coach Marla.