Tuesday, April 21, 2009

True Grit Is ....


By: Susan Falkner-Wood

True grit exists in the day to day behavior of those who face overwhelming challenges but still insist on sucking the marrow out of the bone of life instead of settling for scraps.

True grit is speaking up to a doctor who must cover his ego because he can’t find out what is wrong with you and tells you it’s
“all in your head.”

It takes true grit to walk in to a new doctor’s office after experiencing a put down like that.

Courage is the individual who, after a restless, pain-filled night, still reaches for the alarm clock, gets out of bed and stumbles or limps to the bathroom to take the morning medications, to face a new day.

Courage, Valor and Hope lie deep within us, and we will find the seeds of their existence if we have the grit to look and we don’t bury ourselves in denial, a bottle of liquor or an extra, dangerous dose of pain pills.

Courage is not the absences of fear.
It is walking into the face of fear and smacking it in the face.

Courage is quiet and at other times, grand.
It’s still courage.

True grit tackles the hard way, if necessary,
not the easy way.

Courage is doing what you know, deep in your being, is best.

Courage finds a way to go forward whether it is upright, on a crutch, in a wheelchair
or at a crawl.

You can read the entire article from Sue Falkner-Wood by clicking HERE


Coach said...

True Grit! Hi Coach Marla, I like the quote in the picture. It's so true, that when we are no longer afraid of the false beliefs that are holding us back do we really feel free to live!

Tough Cookie said...

Thank you so much, coach Marla! I also sent the message to Dr. Phil because as I was typing, he was doing a show on pain pill addiction... and that lead me to sending a copy to Oprah.