Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Celebrating The "Women Of HOPE" Journey # 2

~~Marla's Journey~~

My name is Marla Martindale and I have been diagnosed with RSD since November 2003 after breaking my ankle on October 1, 2003 at 4:10pm....yes I remember it well, because I broke it on both sides.
While I had my cast on I couldn't stand anything over my toes and I would get real touchy if anyone even got close to my foot, but I didn't know why because I had never broke anything that severely before.

Then once the cast came off and the doctor was telling me the exercises I needed to do he touched a certain spot on my foot and I told him "You bout made me wet myself when you touched right there" he responded with "Clean up on aisle nine". He continued to explain all the things I needed to do but I should be able to get up and walk out without the crutches, but if not that was fine just work on it over the next couple days. So when I went to get up off his table and start walking again without crutches, I couldn't do it!! It hurt way too badly to put weight on my foot and to even put my foot on the floor. I know my husband, the doctor and his nurse thought I was a weenie but I really didn't care, I was using those crutches like it or not.
I went back to my office and was talking with some of the ladies around there and I had my leg hanging down when one of them noticed it was all deep purple. She asked me about it and at that time I hadn't noticed it because I just had the cast taken off not an hour before. She was telling me I needed to call the doctor and let him know, but I didn't, I waited about a week even though it continued to turn deep purple and had this horrible pain oh dopey me just kept putting it off....don't do that people!!

When I did call and was describing what was going on to the nurse she told me to come in right then. So I loaded up in my car and went right over. The doctor took one look at my leg and sent me for x-rays. Once he had the x-rays back he tried to explain to me that I had Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy but he was talking or explaining over my head. And my head was already reeling from just the name "Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy".
To be honest I think I missed some of what he was saying because I got stuck on those words, especially "Dystrophy", that didn't sound like something I wanted because I kept picturing Jerry Lewis doing his telethon for Muscular Dystrophy and I knew that was bad news. But all in all I didn't catch much of what this doctor was telling me.

He told me he was going to refer me to another doctor who was better capable of treating this and was about to walk out the door when I asked him, "What do I do about this" and he looked me dead in the eye and said, "Don't give into it". HUH??
Well now at the time I was more than a little upset!!
I was thinking how dare he leave me like that, but he did. So I go to this other doctor. She was so shocked to see someone with RSD. She hadn't seen it since she was in med school many years back. She explained things to me in a manner in which made sense and got me started on physical therapy. I must say the only part of physical therapy I didn't like was the contrast baths....those hurt so badly. I went through 8 weeks of physical therapy while still working full time.
I also had 3 rounds of Spinal Blocks Injections that would only last about 30 days at best.

Then I started getting better and I was doing really good for almost 2 years. Then in October of 2006 I had a dental appointment to get my front tooth fixed. I took the guidelines from the RSD Organization for dental procedures with me and the dentist followed them to the letter.

It was my body that didn't pay any attention to them. It started going crazy on me. I started shaking like I had a severe case of Parkinson's Disease. I had to sit in my desk chair for 3 days straight, day and night because I couldn't find anything any comfortable enough to sit or lay in, so that's where I stayed.
My leg swelled up bigger than it ever had before and was so deep dark purple, it was pure agony for sure. That is when my RSD went into overdrive!! It decided to venture out to the rest of my body....
and I do mean everywhere on my body!!

But you know what, I survived it and I am growing stronger because of it. Don't get me wrong, I have had my share of "pity parties", but I have had more of trying not to allow the RSD to take control over me, I will have control over it!! If you are finding yourself needing to understand how to get control of your RSD and your life, I am here for you!!
I can help you come to terms with what is going on inside your body so you can have mental strength to control the amount of pain you actually do feel. It's not an easy road to journey down, but if you are willing to put in the time and effort and aren't afraid of hard work, than you CAN and WILL succeed too!!

In October 2007 I was not only diagnosed again with RSD-Full Body, but now they threw in Fibromyalgia, Osteoporosis and Multiple Sclerosis.
Guess my RSD was lonely and needed someone to play with, so instead of inviting just one playmate over, it decided to bring along the whole crew.
To be totally honest with you though, I really don't give those others much thought because frankly none of them can compare to RSD!!
So I have embraced it and have learned so much about myself, and am still learning things everyday, I have LOVED what I have learned and what I continue to learn. And I look forward to helping you learn about yourself.

I wouldn't wish this on my worse enemy, but I am so glad that it all happened to me, because it has made me stronger, softer, more caring, more giving, insightful, loving, in-touch, feeling valuable, and so many more things that could completely fill this page, so I will just leave it at that. And once you get to know me, you will see, I'm simply an honest person who wants nothing more than to help everyone as much as possible.

On March 31, 2008 I did a 4 day trial with a Spinal Cord Stimulator. It didn't help 100%, more like 30-35% and that was enough for me to tell the doctor to set up a time for the permanent implant because it can only get better with time. I am ready to take the time needed to make it work for me on more like a 45-50%, and beyond!!

I did learn some interesting things during the trial that wasn't told to me prior to me doing it. When I told the doctor about them, he just laughed and said, "Well, nobody has ever told me things like that before." Guess he didn't realize I was going to tell all. =)

Since then I have spoken with numerous people who were going through the trial and have shared the little things the doctor doesn't tell you!! So I am putting all that information into an eBook that will be available on my site soon! So check it often!!

On June 2, 2008 I did have the permanent Spinal Cord Stimulator implanted and I am so glad I did. The first few days weren't easy, but it all has been worth it!!


Anonymous said...

So glad you're a part of our HOPE family Marla. I learn so much from you. Thank you. Belle

Coach said...

Your story is soooo amazing Coach Marla! You are such an inspiration and a light on this earth. XOXO Coach A.